There are traces of human DNA too, although it is badly degraded. Actual shroud blood samples have been shown, by internationally known forensic serologists (blood experts), to fail all of the microscopical, chemical, biological, and instrumental tests for bloodnot surprisingly, since the stains were suspiciously still red and artistically picturelike. The Shroud of Turin and Type AB Blood Date: MaDan Stephen Jones, as always, responded to a reader of his blog with wonderful thoroughness. There are genuine bloodstains on the cloth, and we even know the blood group (AB, if you're interested). The Sturp group asserted that the image is the real form of a "scourged, crucified man… not the product of an artist". And in contrast to most dyeing or painting methods, the colouring cannot be dissolved, bleached or altered by most standard chemical agents. By examining blood from the Shroud of Turin which is believed to have been the cloth wrapped around Jesus’s body for burial. The faint coloration of the flax fibres isn't caused by any darker substance being laid on top or infused into them - it's the very material of the fibres themselves that has darkened. I have the same blood type as our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact the image on the linen is barely visible to the naked eye, and wasn't identified at all until 1898, when it became apparent in the negative image of a photograph taken by Secondo Pia, an amateur Italian photographer. Nor are there any signs of it being rendered in brush strokes. E.Most Reverend Pio Bello Ricardo, and the results confirmed that the blood was human. possibility that this could be some other type of primate blood. It is of the blood group AB, the same as the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano and the Sudarium (Face-Cloth) of Christ. The Hostof the Miracle was subjected to some special studies,requested by the then Bishop of Los Teques, H. But the Sturp team found no evidence of any pigments or dyes on the cloth in sufficient amounts to explain the image. The evidence for blood on fibrils taken from the.

Bloodstains on the Shroud Numerous blood markings are present on the Shroud, which correspond to the wounds of a man that has been tortured and crucified. If this were true, it should be possible to identify the pigments used by chemical analysis, just as conservators can do for the paintings of Old Masters. What type of blood is present on the Shroud As far as what type of blood it is, the antibodies that were used were raised against human proteins. Specific attention is given to the blood typing data and evidence for the blood being of human origin.